Monday, August 27, 2012

Raving-Season 2 Episode 8

It would appear I forgot to do a review for episode 8, but know that I loved it! I thought it was hilarious how they got drinks because of Scott. Plus, how Stiles made the rest of the line just appear. In a way, I am sad for Allison's mom but also feel like she deserved it. If she would of let Scott alone, none of that would of happened.
Here are some awesome pictures..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Restraint-Season 2 Episode 7

Ok so finally watched episode 7! yay! I know, I am behind. But, I'm catching up now.
(but i bet you have already seen it
Ok, so at the beginning I found it quite funny when Stiles started questing the restraining order, and the part where he stops Scott from telling is mom the truth by shaking is head. Melissa McCall was funny too when she said "No Stiles", although the way she said it wasn't meant as funny.
The first library scene might just be one of my favorite from this episode. Mainly the part where Stiles sticks his head between the books and says,"anything evil", where Allison presides to push his head back. Its also funny how Stiles keeps calling Jackson evil and yet he tells Scott that he isn't going to kill Jackson, but help him. That was one of my other favorite scenes. Nearly all scenes with Stiles are my favorite though. They are usually the funniest.
Both of the Jackson-snake scenes were by far the most creepiest and disgusting scenes, I would say, in the whole show. Which is why I just couldn't look away. =/
It would appear our little Jackson has a personality disorder, or a master who is awesome at controlling people. I would go with the first one, but I know better! *wink wink*. But it also appears the real Jackson cares, well not when it comes to fighting with Scott. Does anyone else wonder if he would actually kill Scott, Stiles, and Allison if asked?
Speaking of Jackson, I just found out today that his birthday is June 15. Which is the day of my birthday. Call me weird, but its kind of cool that a character from my favorite tv show has the same b-day as me. Although I don't think it was his real one seeming as his birth parents died the day before. But still cool!
Did you know they have a wiki for Teen Wolf characters? Pretty cool if you ask me.
Back on topic now. Allison and Scott's moms are both getting suspicious, especially Allison's. I don't know why, but I like Allison's mom.
As for Lydia, as she finally lost it? I mean seeing dead normal aged Peter was creepy enough, but now young peter. Ugh, just plain creepy, especially since she kissed him before she found out. Either way, can't wait to find out what's in store next for Lydia.

I wonder if Derek is really going to go along with what Scott says or if he is going to say no... But that's pretty loyal of Scott to still want to help Jackson.
Ah finally, on to Erica. I like her, and it's not just because she has the same name as me too. Ok, well, maybe it is. But she still is a cool character, Which makes me hope she is not killed off. At least not for another season or too. But didn't they say a main character was to die at the end of this season? Well in that case, kill of some one else.
Speaking of Erica, wonder if there is going to be a Stiles/Erika relationship. In a way I hope so, just because Stiles shouldn't be hanging on to the aspect of Lydia actually dating him. It doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Well, I think I got it all for this episode. Perhaps I will watch episode 8 tomorrow.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Teen Wolf blog

A Teen Wolf blog. Love the show but haven't seen the movie. Stiles is my favorite character and I love season 2 because it is funnier then the first.

Venomous-Season 2 Episode 5

Season 2 Episode 5- Venomous
(I know I should start from the beginning but I figured I need to start somewhere right.?)
Spoiler Alert!
In all honesty I had no idea Jackson was the reptile like creature. I thought he was something totally different (perhaps another different species). Although, I was starting to have my doubts about Lydia being it-seeming as though they were making it soo obvious. Which only makes it less likely that it was her. Wonder how Jackson will take that news...and who the mystery person in the car was?
So what exactly does this make Lydia?? Is she seriously just an immune human? Or is she something else? Probably the latter with the visions and all. But most importantly, how will she take the news of werewolves and everything else? Or will they even tell her? Although I don't think they can hide it anymore.
Your opinions?